Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tayler’s Story: A First-Time Mom Calls the Midwife

For National Midwifery Week (October 6-12, 2024), we reached out to patients and asked them if they would share their midwife experience. Tayler responded just as we had hoped (“I’d absolutely love to!”) and generously spoke about how she found her provider, Elise Gessler.

Note: Elise has stopped her OB practice and is working in the role of a nurse practitioner at our Appleton clinic. She can still see pregnant patients for occasional visits but is no longer available as a delivering provider. Elise still provides care for women throughout the lifespan.

How did you arrive at using the services of a midwife for your pregnancy?

I started with a lot of information on the internet because, honestly, I didn't really know anyone that had used a midwife before. But I had heard a lot of good things about them, like how they are an extra layer of support during the birthing process. And being a first-time mom, I was like, oh, I need all the support I can get! I just hopped on Google and was looking at different midwives, and I kept seeing Women's Care Wisconsin. Fantastic reviews online. So I was like, okay, let's give it a try here. I requested Elise Gessler after seeing her on the website and looking at the reviews of people that had seen her.

And how did it work out for you?

It was such a good experience with Elise, because she was so involved. An important thing about a midwife that I learned through my research was that no matter what time of day or night you're giving birth, they're going to be there. I wanted that consistent person that was going to be with me, for my appointments, through all the struggles and whatnot, and to deliver my baby. Elise was that consistent person, that extra layer of support that I wanted.

What else can you share about your experience?

So I made my appointment, and then I saw Elise for the first time, and she kind of just explained to me what her role was in the birthing process, how I would be seeing her for all of my appointments, what to expect. Anything that I should need while I was pregnant, I could reach out to her. She was very available, which I really loved as a first-time mom when everything seems really scary. You're just not sure what warrants concern and what is completely normal. And so I liked that she was always available for anything, for questions, concerns, whatever. Yeah, at that first appointment I was like, this is fantastic! Exactly what I want. And then throughout my pregnancy I had some complications. She was always very supportive and always let me know my options. And it was always up to me how I wanted to proceed. But I really leaned into her expertise and fully trusted her opinion.

What was the delivery experience like?

At delivery I was induced, and then I actually ended up being in active labor for four hours, which is like the max amount of time they allow you to push before they have to intervene. That's a really long time to push, by the way. And I will never forget what Elise said: “We have 10 minutes to get this baby out or we need to call the doctor.” If you've never met Elise before, she's a very soft-spoken person. Delivery Elise is different. She was the intense cheerleader. “You got this Tayler, you can do this! Just think about her coming out and getting to hold that little girl that you've been waiting for for the last nine months!” Honestly, her words are what did it for me. I pushed as hard as I possibly could, and it happened. I truly believe the pep talk that she gave me right towards the end was what pushed me across the finish line.

Bet you can’t summarize things in a single sentence, can you?

Now I have this perfect girl, my baby Shay, and this perfect boy, my stepson, so I feel very content.

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